
All posts for the month September, 2014

A Part / Apart ~ The Musings of a Linguisic Mind

Published September 16, 2014 by katiekieffer

Have you ever paid attention to words and their meanings? Have you ever said something and it was interpreted differently simply due to the variations of language?

Sunday evening I was sitting outside, enjoying the cool breeze and watching the cloud covered sky. I realized that I could actually *feel* all that was around me, the oneness. I felt integrated and balanced. I had spoken with my father only moments earlier. I had recently reconnected with my mother; to whom I had not spoken to for over a decade. My family spent an amazing day at an air show and everyone seemed to enjoy it. It had been a wonderful weekend.

As I sat there in my recently acquired vintage 1950’s metal yard chair, I felt as though I was a part of everything. I heard that in my head….a part. My emotional system registered it as apart. Ding ding ding ding! Bells going off. So, I shifted my words. I re-wrote what I had in my head. “I am part of the All That Is.”, “I am part of the Universe.”, “I am part of my family.”

I also “went up” as we do in ThetaHealing® and got clarity and truth of these from the Creative Source Energy. There may still be some conscious effort to ensure that I continue saying “part of” rather than “a part” in the future, and it’s work I am glad to do.

Words really are so very important. Language is an amazing creative tool. To really understand how diverse and confusing the English language can be, teach someone to read English. In teaching my children to read it became amazingly clear just how many words sound the same yet have such different definitions, some are spelled the same with different pronunciations and some have different spellings. This can be rather confusing to learn and can lead to confusion in conversations with people from areas other than where you grew up.

Gain clarity of definitions as best you can. If something feels odd when you say it – rephrase it. Make sure you have a dictionary and thesaurus. You just might be amazed at the actual definitions of some words!

One day in a class or practice group, my teacher brought up the word “decadent”. What do you think of when you hear the word “decadent”? I think of a richly flavoured, silky chocolate cake, pudding or mousse; a dessert so delicious as to make one “mmmm” in the yumminess and bask in the moment of total enjoyment. Well, here is what the definitions say:


Oh my!! Before reading these I would have never thought “decadent” to be any of the above! Self-indulgent, maybe. Still, is really enjoying a wonderful dessert or anything else “self-indulgent”? Better yet, why do we have such a negative connotation of “self-indulgent”? Being “self-indulgent” can actually FEED THE SOUL. When you indulge in a warm bubble bath with music and exercise “unrestrained gratification” in that self-care, it is healing, nourishing and revitalizing.

Look at the judgement in some of these definitions: “having low morals and a great love of pleasure, money, fame, etc.”, “attractive to people of low morals who are only interested in pleasure”, “characterized by or appealing to self-indulgence”. Can one have high morals and a great love of pleasure, money fame, etc.? Can one of high morals be interested only in pleasure? Is everything appealing to self-indulgence indicative of low morals? Maybe this is simply my connotation of the definitions. As though decadence is something reserved for those of low-moral standing that no high-moral person would engage in.

As I write this post, I am questioning just how often people assume meaning based upon a connotation of a word or phrase rather than it’s actual definition. That connotation is often brought about by the context. Now I am wondering how often words and phrases are used erroneously due to connotation and context.

So how do we improve our communication? Vocabulary. Have a BIG one, and really understand definitions as well as the various connotations. A great way to gain vocabulary is to read. Read books from other times and places. Watch movies and shows set in earlier times and places. If you don’t understand a word – look it up! British English and American English are rather different, and understanding them both can be helpful.  Likewise the Spanish language of Spain and the Spanish of Mexico are different from what I understand (maybe another time I’ll address the benefit of learning other world-wide common languages…right now, I am monolingual).

Our words hold power. Are you familiar with the adage “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words shall never hurt me!”? Well, if you’ve repeated this to yourself or said it to another, chances are it is in direct relation to something someone said to you that DID hurt. Words can hurt. Words can heal. Words can be uplifting and joyous or they can be degrading. Use your words wisely, in what you think that is never verbalized, and what is verbalized. Changing how we think the words will change how we speak the words. Anyone who wants to can make this shift. If you hear or say a particular word or phrase that sends you reeling – look it up. Maybe it’s the connotation you’re familiar with that is the issue.

In order for us to move toward a more loving environment and to increase the love in the world, clarity in communication is important. Gaining clarity of our own words, actions and energy will help us communicate clearly to others and also removes much of the programmed judgments when we listen to others. We communicate with ourselves every single day, every moment of the day. What is playing in your head right now? How many times have those thoughts passed through your mind in the last week? What if you became more aware of your own self-talk and shifted the words and phrases to be more supportive and loving?

When we can communicate clearly with kindness, compassion, and peace, we take a huge step forward to our own happiness, and then we can begin to radiate that kindness, compassion and peace to others. ❤

**** NOTES:

Oh, the dictionary and thesaurus got a work out today! LOL! Words I looked up: monolingual; gratification, self-indulgent, decadent, connotation. Thesaurus got one entry: decadent.

As I ready myself to post this, I hope that all the grammar, spelling (some of it British) and definitions are used correctly. Reading and re-reading, it looks good. *crossing fingers* *crossing toes* that this post is accurate, clear and correct! *giggles*